Participants Needed for Research Study:
Korean men and women, aged 26+, who have completed university or college and who have started the process for moving permanently to Canada. Have a one-hour individual interview in English about your understanding of working in Canada with a researcher from Canada. In thanks, you will be offered a one-hour discussion on job searching in Canada. Please contact Jennifer Davies of Conestoga College (Ontario, Canada) at --------------.
연구 조사 대상자 모집:
26세 이상 한국 남녀. 초대졸 졸업 이상자로 캐나다로 이민을 생각하고 계신분. 캐나다 연구원과 당신의 경력에 대해서 1시간 정도 영어로 면접이 있음. 보상: 캐나다에서 찾는 일에 대한 1시간 가량의 토론. 자세한 정보는 제니퍼에게 연락 주세요. ---------------------
Thank you very much for your interest in this research study! I am a student at Conestoga College (Ontario, Canada). My faculty supervisor is Carole Cotton (---------- (at) conestogac.on.ca).
I am studying the expectations for work and career of Koreans thinking about moving to Canada, and your understanding of working in Canada once you are there.
If you are interested in participating in the study, please answer the following questions for me:
· Are you 26 years old or older?
· Are you a man or a woman?
· What level of education have you completed?
· How many years have you been working since graduating?
· What steps have you taken toward moving permanently to Canada?
Thank you very much! Rest assured that your responses will be kept confidential and deleted from my e-mail account within one year of their receipt.
Jennifer Davies